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Table 1 Classification table of model predictions and model performance statistics calculated based on predicted and true conditions, from this study of post-fire tree mortality models from the USA, from fires occurring from 1981 to 2016. Managers may wish to use models or classification thresholds that perform optimally for different scenarios

From: A large database supports the use of simple models of post-fire tree mortality for thick-barked conifers, with less support for other species


True condition

Model performance statistics

Positive (P) = Dead

Negative (N) = Live

Predicted condition

Positive (P) = Dead

True Positive (TP)

Dead trees that were predicted to be dead

False Positive (FP)

Live trees that were predicted to be dead

Positive predictive value (PPV)

\( \boldsymbol{PPV}=\frac{\boldsymbol{TP}}{\boldsymbol{TP}+\boldsymbol{FP}} \)

Dead trees that were predicted to be dead divided by predicted dead trees

Example use: Prescribed fire planning where there is a need to kill small shade-tolerant trees to reduce future fire risk.

Negative (N) = Live

False Negative (FN)

Dead trees that were predicted to be live

True Negative (TN)

Live trees that were predicted to be live

Negative predictive value (NPV)

\( \boldsymbol{NPV}=\frac{\boldsymbol{TN}}{\boldsymbol{TN}+\boldsymbol{FN}} \)

Live trees that were predicted to be live divided by predicted live trees

Example use: Prescribed fire planning where there is a need to avoid killing large or old trees.

Model performance statistics

Sensitivity (Sens)

\( \boldsymbol{Sens}=\frac{\boldsymbol{TP}}{\boldsymbol{TP}+\boldsymbol{FN}} \)

Dead trees that were predicted to be dead divided by total dead trees

Example use: Post-fire salvage in campground, where there is a need to remove any trees that may die and become a hazard.

Specificity (Spec)

\( \boldsymbol{Spec}=\frac{\boldsymbol{TN}}{\boldsymbol{TN}+\boldsymbol{FP}} \)

Live trees that were predicted to be live divided by total live trees

Example use: Post-fire salvage where there is a need to avoid harvesting large trees that may survive (e.g., potential seed trees or large wildlife trees.)

Accuracy (ACC)

\( \boldsymbol{ACC}=\frac{\boldsymbol{TP}+\boldsymbol{TN}}{\boldsymbol{TP}+\boldsymbol{TN}+\boldsymbol{FP}+\boldsymbol{TN}} \)

Correctly classified live and dead trees divided by total trees

Example use: Need to optimize multiple objectives.