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Table 1 Variables and their descriptions used for random forest models annual normalized burn ratio models. Variables are grouped by year-of-fire (i.e., factors that occurred between fire date and 12/31 of the fire year) and growing season (i.e., factors that occurred between April and October of the post-fire year being analyzed)

From: Climate limits vegetation green-up more than slope, soil erodibility, and immediate precipitation following high-severity wildfire




Normalized burn ratio years 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Landsat + LandTrendr (30 m)

Normalized burn ratio for years 1 through 5

Year-of-fire effect variables

 Soil erodibility (K-factor)

gSSURGO, processed in ArcMap

Unitless factor denoting a soils susceptibility to erosion and rate of runoff

 Slope length factor (LS-factor)

DEM (National Map 10 m)

Unitless factor representing the ratio of soil loss per unit area to the loss from a 22.1-m long plot with a 9% slope

 Precipitation total, fire date to end of year

Daymet (daily, 1000 m)

Sum of daily precipitation between fire date and end of year (mm)

 Precipitation seasonality (coefficient of variability), fire date to end of year

Daymet (daily, 1000 m)

Coefficient of Variation of daily precipitation between fire date and end of year (mm)

Growing season variables

 Growing season VPD

Terraclimate (monthly, 4000 m)

Mean vapor pressure deficit, April through October, model year (kPa)

 Growing season tmax

Terraclimate (monthly, 4000 m)

Mean temperature maximums, April through October, model year (C°)

 Growing season PPT

Terraclimate (monthly, 4000 m)

Total monthly precipitation, April through October, model year (mm)

 Growing season CWD

Terraclimate (monthly, 4000 m)

Mean climatic water deficit, April through October, model year (mm)


 Month of fire