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Table 3 Literature that discussed the influence of various climate metrics on tree regeneration following wildfires. Study, region, significant climate metric evaluated, the time period over which climate was considered, and the relationship of said climate variable and tree regeneration along with additional information on major findings. A plus sign (+) indicates a positive relationship between climate metric and tree regeneration, a minus sign (−) indicates a negative relationship, and a zero (0) indicates no relationship. Specific species-level information is described when individual papers analyzed climate variables against individual species

From: Tree regeneration following wildfires in the western US: a review



Climate metric

Time period of metric

Relationship between climate variable and regeneration

Urza and Sibold 2017

Northern Rocky Mountains

Growing season precipitation, degree days

8 years post fire

+ Larch, Douglas-fir, Englemann spruce

+ for Douglas-fir only

Harvey et al. 2016

Northern Rocky Mountains

Drought severity

4 years post fire

− All species combined

− Englemann spruce, subalpine fir

0 lodgepole pine, Douglas-fir, larch, aspen, whitebark pine

Stevens-Rumann et al. 2018 a

Rocky Mountains

Post-fire moisture deficit, average moisture deficit

3 years post fire, 30 year average climate

− pre 2000, 0 post 2000

+ pre 2000, − post 2000

Tepley et al. 2017

Pacific Northwest

Mean moisture deficit

Post-fire deficit

− all species analyzed together

Savage et al. 2013



Post-fire drought

− fire at the end of the drought had more regeneration than those fires from the middle of the drought

Welch et al. 2016

Pacific Southwest


Post-fire annual precipitation

+ for all forest types and mixed conifer

  1. aIn this one case, the influence of climate was analyzed separately in two different climatic periods and is described instead of individual species influenced