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Fig. 4 | Fire Ecology

Fig. 4

From: Long-term vegetation response following post-fire straw mulching

Fig. 4

Differences in cover fractions and cover by growth form of understory plants on six fires across the US Interior West in 2015 and 2016; values are displayed as box plots of differences between mulched and unmulched plot pairs. Any point above the zero line represents a higher value on the mulched plot, while a value below the line is a higher value on the unmulched plot of the pair. A Differenced cover fractions for green and non-photosynthetic vegetation (NPV) and soil for plot pairs by fire. B Differenced percent canopy cover of three main vegetation cover groups by plot pair. Three subplots on the Tripod Complex contained residual mulch; this was added to the NPV class for that plot and the values were 11, 3, and 0.4%. Circles represent suspected outliers, datapoints beyond 1.5 times the interquartile range

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