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Table 3 Mean pre- and post-treatment oak seedling densities (±1 standard deviation) from 2009 to 2018 among oak restoration sites 1, 2, and 3 on the southern Cumberland Plateau, Tennessee, USA. The P-values were estimated using a repeated measures analysis with a first-order ante-dependence covariance structure (with 95% confidence levels). At Site 1, oak seedling densities after the first fire were significantly different from the other time periods (P ≤ 0.05). All other comparisons were not significantly different

From: The effects of oak (Quercus) restoration on forest trajectory and small mammal use in the southern Cumberland Plateau, USA


Mean density (oak seedlings ha−1)


Site 1

Site 2

Site 3


Pre treatment

16 563 ± 17 151

3 952 ± 6 199

10 232 ± 15 035


After first fire

11 332 ± 17 423

8 398 ± 12 049

8 292 ± 7 416


After second fire

26 174 ± 34 240

14 200 ± 13 513

8 571 ± 11 168


After third fire

45 352 ± 61 774

13 900 ± 13 739

7 642 ± 9 017


2 yr after last fire

27 823 ± 30 412

16 700 ± 13 441

9 214 ± 11 583
