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Fig. 9 | Fire Ecology

Fig. 9

From: Revitalized Karuk and Yurok cultural burning to enhance California hazelnut for basketweaving in northwestern California, USA

Fig. 9

Fire history and hazelnut basketry stem gathering rates modeled as logistic functions in Karuk and Yurok territory, northwestern California, USA, from 2015 to 2019. Foraging time includes travel and gathering time for stem harvesters. Gathering rates are based on average rates observed in 22 cultural burn areas (five stems per individual per minute), four wildfire areas (two stems per individual per minute), and one fire-excluded area (0.5 stems per individual per minute). Travel time to gathering areas was calculated from the mean distance travelled one way (34 km to cultural burn; 129 km to wildfire; 2 km to fire exclusion area) at a rate of 80 km hr−1. This model assumes that a gatherer aims to harvest 350 stems, based upon the average harvest observed from trips to nine cultural burn areas

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