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Fig. 5 | Fire Ecology

Fig. 5

From: Prescribed fire in longleaf pine ecosystems: fire managers’ perspectives on priorities, constraints, and future prospects

Fig. 5

Tukey-Kramer simultaneous pairwise comparisons of least squares means for weather constraints to prescribed burning in longleaf pine ecosystems, computed separately for the A growing season and B dormant season. Vertical bars connect constraints with statistically equivalent values (a = 0.05). Constraint abbreviations: HiT and LowT, high and low temperatures; HiRH and LowRH, high and low relative humidity; HiWind and LowWind, high and low wind speeds; DaysRain, days since the last measurable rainfall; Drought, drought conditions; AtmoDisp, low atmospheric dispersion; Transwind, presence of strong transport winds

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