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Table 1 Means (±standard error of the mean) for bud mass (g), length (mm), diameter (mm), surface area (mm2), and % water content by species (n=138 per species: 54 buds treated at 0.255–0.891MJm−2, 54 buds treated at 1.275–1.485MJm−2, 30 control buds, with the exception of the specific n values noted for bud moisture content). Differences were declared significant at α = 0.05

From: Estimating heat tolerance of buds in southeastern US trees in fire-prone forests


Tree species

Mass (g)

Length (mm)

Diameter (mm)

Surface area (mm2)

Bud moisture content (%)


Red maple

0.028 (0.001) E

6.92 (0.19) E

2.69 (0.04) D

37.71 (1.14) E

37.74 (1.45) A (n=95)

American beech

0.051 (0.001) D

16.64 (0.18) A

2.10 (0.04) E

59.15 (1.37) D

36.11 (1.71) AB (n=104)


0.101 (0.028) B

8.85 (0.11) C

3.59 (0.04) C

64.74 (1.33) C

31.51 (1.90) B (n=106)


Chestnut oak

0.066 (0.005) C

8.59 (0.11) C

4.25 (0.11) B

81.87 (3.12) B

31.95 (1.49) B (n=102)

Scarlet oak

0.066 (0.004) C

7.98 (0.24) D

4.33 (0.11) B

81.52 (4.06) B

26.47 (1.31) B (n=103)

Mockernut hickory

0.356 (0.015) A

11.73 (0.19) B

7.03 (0.12) A

196.30 (5.90) A

13.40 (1.11) C (n=108)





