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Fig. 6 | Fire Ecology

Fig. 6

From: Forest fires and climate attributes interact in central Himalayas: an overview and assessment

Fig. 6

Graphs depicting Kendall’s tau (τ) values, correlation regression equations (y = mx + c; where m is the slope of the line relating y to x, and c is the y intercept of that line; pink line), R 2 values (coefficients of determination); P-values (≤ 0.05), and Z-statistics (± 1.96) between forest fire incidents (orange dots) and climate attributes for Dehradun district, state of Uttarakhand, India, during fire seasons (April through June) during our review of climate attributes and their affects on forest fire between 2002 and 2019: A correlation plot of number of fire incidents and diurnal temperature range (DTR; °C); B correlation plot of number of fire incidents and maximum temperature (Tmax;°C); C correlation plot of number of fire incidents and maximum temperature (Tmin; °C); D correlation plot of number of fire incidents and average temperature (Tavg; °C); E correlation plot of number of fire incidents and wind speed (WS; km h−1); and F correlation plot of number of fire incidents and relative humidity (RH; %)

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