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Table 4 Fuel characteristics after treatment. Values in parentheses are standard errors.

From: Thinning and Prescribed Fire Effects on Fuels and Potential Fire Behavior in an Eastern Cascades Forest, Washington, USA


1-hr Load (Mg ha 1)

10-hr Load (Mg ha 1)

100-hr Load (Mg ha 1)

1000+-hr Sound Load (Mg ha 1)

1000+-hr Rotten Load (Mg ha 1)

Forest Floor Depth (cm)

Forest Floor Mass (Mg ha 1)

Fuelbed Depth (cm)


0.44 (.16)

1.01 (.10)

2.10 (.34)

8.4 (2.8)

3.4 (.9)

5.78 (.55)

44.7 (4.3)

11.4 (1.8)


1.14 (.34)

3.57 (.38)

6.29 (.51)

18.8 (1.0)

6.5 (1.1)

3.42 (.31)

48.7 (2.5)

24.5 (3.6)


0.71 (.07)

1.02 (.09)

2.40 (.14)

3.0 (0.7)

3.8 (2.7)

6.27 (.35)

26.1 (2.8)

13.7 (4.9)


0.81 (.07)

1.61 (.09)

4.35 (.49)

13.5 (4.7)

2.0 (.7)

3.57 (.71)

27.3 (0.6)

13.4 (1.6)