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Table 2 Mean number of seeds m−2 per three weeks and percent total (in parentheses) for seeds captured in seeds traps from all high severity, low severity, and unburned treatments. Sums differ due to unidentified nativity or biennial habit.

From: Seed Invasion Filters and Forest Fire Severity


Fischer Fire Complex

Tyee Fire Complex



Low severity

High severity

Low severity

High severity

Annual species

5 (1.6)

849 (82.5)

2068 (92.4)

132 (33.5)

84 (15.5)

Perennial species

350 (98.4)

178 (17.3)

167 (7.5)

259 (66.0)

455 (84.2)

Native species

353 (99.4)

993 (96.6)

1747 (78.0)

369 (93.9)

535 (97.3)

Non-native species

2 (0.5)

34 (3.3)

489 (21.9)

22 (5.6)

13 (2.5)