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Table 3 Lists of pre- and post-treatment fuel models used for each of the five forest-treatment combinations. Fuel model codes are consistent with Anderson (1982) or Burgan and Scott (2005). 2, timber (grass and understory); GS, grass-shrub; SB, slash-blowdown; SH, shrub; TL, timber-litter; TU, timber-understory.

From: Effect of Fuel Treatments on Fuels and Potential Fire Behavior in California, USA, National Forests


Pre- and post-treatment fuel models


Pre, TU1, TU2, TL1, TL2, TL3, TL6

Post, TU1, TU2, TL1, TL2, SB1, SB2


Pre, GS2, TU1, TU3, TU5, TL3, TL4, TL5, TL8

Post, 2, GS2, TU1, TL4, TL5, TL8, SB1


Pre, TU1, TL1, TL3, TL5

Post, TU1, TL1, TL3, TL5


Pre, TU1, TU5, TL3, TL4, TL5

Post, TU1, TL1, TL3, TL5


Pre, SH1, SH2, TU1, TU3, TU5, TL1, TL3, TL4, TL5, TL8

Post, GS1, SH2, TU1, TU2, TU5, TL1, TL3, TL4, TL5, TL8

  1. 1 SN-MT, short needle mechanical treatment; LN-MT, long needle mechanical treatment; SN-PF, short needle prescribed fire; LN-PF, long needle, prescribed fire.