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Figures 3a and 3b | Fire Ecology

Figures 3a and 3b

From: Scale Dependence of Oak woodland Historical Fire Intervals: Contrasting the barrens of Tennessee and Cross timbers of Oklahoma, USA

Figures 3a and 3b

Post oak fire scar history charts of two of the four individual study sites at Arnold Air Force Base in The Barrens region of Tennessee, USA. On study site charts, top boxes indicate numbers of trees recording (blue line) and percentages of trees scarred (vertical bars) through time. Below, horizontal lines represent the periods of tree-ring record for individual trees. Bold vertical ticks on horizontal lines indicate fire scar years. On the left ends of lines, vertical ends indicate pith years while diagonal ends indicate inner ring year (rings missing to center). On the right ends of lines, vertical ends indicate bark years while diagonal ends indicate outer ring years (rings missing to bark). A composite of all fire years at the site is given at the bottom of charts.

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