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  1. Wildfire effects on the ground surface are indicative of the potential for post-fire watershed erosion response. Areas with remaining organic ground cover will likely experience less erosion than areas of comp...

    Authors: Sarah A. Lewis, Leigh B. Lentile, Andrew T. Hudak, Peter R. Robichaud, Penelope Morgan and Michael J. Bobbitt
    Citation: Fire Ecology 2007 3:3010109
  2. Vegetation response and burn severity were examined following eight large wildfires that burned in 2003 and 2004: two wildfires in California chaparral, two each in dry and moist mixed-conifer forests in Monta...

    Authors: Leigh B. Lentile, Penelope Morgan, Andrew T. Hudak, Michael J. Bobbitt, Sarah A. Lewis, Alistair M. S. Smith and Peter R. Robichaud
    Citation: Fire Ecology 2007 3:3010091
  3. Elected officials and leaders of environmental agencies need information about the effects of large wildfires in order to set policy and make management decisions. Recently, the Wildland Fire Leadership Counci...

    Authors: Jeff Eidenshink, Brian Schwind, Ken Brewer, Zhi-Liang Zhu, Brad Quayle and Stephen Howard
    Citation: Fire Ecology 2007 3:3010003
  4. Fire ecologists face many challenges regarding the statistical analyses of their studies. Hurlbert (1984) brought the problem of pseudoreplication to the scientific community’s attention in the mid 1980’s. Now, t...

    Authors: Amanda L. Bataineh, Brian P. Oswald, Mohammad Bataineh, Daniel Unger, I-Kuai Hung and Daniel Scognamillo
    Citation: Fire Ecology 2006 2:2020107
  5. Prior to fire suppression in the 20th century, the mixed-conifer forests of the Sierra Nevada, California, U.S.A., historically burned in frequent fires that typically occurred during the late summer and early fa...

    Authors: Scott M. Ferrenberg, Dylan W. Schwilk, Eric E. Knapp, Eric Groth and Jon E. Keeley
    Citation: Fire Ecology 2006 2:2020079
  6. The effectiveness of low and high intensity prescribed fires in restoring the composition and spatial structure in a mixed conifer forest in the Northern Sierra Nevada is examined. The overstocked pre-fire sta...

    Authors: Lars Schmidt, Marco G. Hille and Scott L. Stephens
    Citation: Fire Ecology 2006 2:2020020
  7. Prescribed fire and low thinning were applied to dry forests dominated by ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) and Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) in the eastern Washington Cascades. Experimental design was an un...

    Authors: James K. Agee and M. Reese Lolley
    Citation: Fire Ecology 2006 2:2020003
  8. A geographic information system (GIS) was used to analyze the effects of six physical variables (redwood sub-region, slope, aspect, elevation, distance from the coast, and moisture regime) on the natural fire ...

    Authors: Christopher B. Oneal, John D. Stuart, Steven J. Steinberg and Lawrence Fox III
    Citation: Fire Ecology 2006 2:2010073
  9. After nearly a century of fire exclusion in many central and southern Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer forests, dead and down surface fuels have reached high levels without the recurring fires that consume the accu...

    Authors: MaryBeth Keifer, Jan W. van Wagtendonk and Monica Buhler
    Citation: Fire Ecology 2006 2:2010053
  10. In response to the needs of local fire managers, we developed a map of wildfire hazard for La Plata County in southwestern Colorado, USA. Our measure of fire hazard had two components: (i) the probability, sho...

    Authors: William H. Romme, Peter J. Barry, David D. Hanna, M. Lisa Floyd and Scott White
    Citation: Fire Ecology 2006 2:2010007
  11. A variety of techniques that estimate temperature and/or heat output during fires are available. We assessed the predictive ability of metal and tile pyrometers, calorimeters of different sizes, and fuel consu...

    Authors: Deborah K. Kennard, Kenneth W. Outcalt, David Jones and Joseph J. O’Brien
    Citation: Fire Ecology 2005 1:1010075
  12. This study examined how fire frequency influences soil C and N dynamics in relation to spatial scale in two mixed-oak forest complexes in southern Ohio, U.S.A. We measured net N mineralization, net nitrificati...

    Authors: R. E. J. Boerner and J. A. Brinkman
    Citation: Fire Ecology 2005 1:1010028

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