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Fig. 5 | Fire Ecology

Fig. 5

From: Fuel dynamics after reintroduced fire in an old-growth Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer forest

Fig. 5

Mean post-fire surface fuel loading for each fuel class as observed in the field (dark gray) and predicted (light gray) by FOFEM for the Yosemite Forest Dynamics Plot, Yosemite National Park, California, USA. Observed post-fire fuel measurements were made in June 2014. We calculated FOFEM inputs and outputs using the sampling procedures typically used by managers: multiple transects were sampled (15 in the left column, 45 in the right column), and a mean was calculated from those sampled transects. The pre-fire mean was then entered into FOFEM, which projected the post-fire fuel loadings for each fuel class. Box plots within violin plots show median (black bar), interquartile range (25% quartile and 75% quantile; small box), 95% confidence intervals (vertical lines). Width of violin plots is based on the probability density (shaded areas) for the range of observed observations (y-axis). Diameter classes of woody fuels are: 1-hour fuels = 0.63 cm, 10-hour fuels = 0.64 to 2.53 cm, 100-hour = 2.54 to 7.61 cm, CWD ≥7.62 cm. CWD consumption in FOFEM is modeled separately for the sound (CWDS) and rotten (CWDR) classes

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