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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria applied to review the evidence on savanna-burning emissions abatement schemes in East and Southern African savanna-protected areas

From: Changing fire regimes in East and Southern Africa’s savanna-protected areas: opportunities and challenges for indigenous-led savanna burning emissions abatement schemes

PICo category






Published/translated in English


Indigenous and local people

Focus on socio-cultural aspects of savanna burning schemes, e.g., “indigenous,” “traditional,” or “community-based” fire management

Focus on biogeophysical properties of fire with no or limited reference to social aspects, e.g., experiment reports, vegetation assessments, satellite and remote sensing analyses, medical studies, paleo-ecological accounts

Savanna burning emissions abatement schemes

Prescribed early dry season fires for carbon credit generation based on Northern Australian model

Other fire management strategies where fire is not actively prescribed for carbon credit generation (e.g., prescribed early dry season fires for fuel reduction, but without carbon credit aims)

Savanna-protected areas

Savanna ecosystems: grass- and wood-dominated savannas, inclusive of Miombo Woodlands

Non-savanna ecosystem, including forests

Protected areas as defined by IUCN I-VI (may be locally recognized) and buffer areas

Outside protected areas (IUCN I–VI) and buffer areas (including surrounding communal rangelands)

East and Southern Africa

Angola; Botswana; Burundi; Ethiopia; Kenya; Lesotho; Madagascar; Malawi; Mozambique; Namibia; Rwanda; Somalia; South Africa; Swaziland/Eswatini; Tanzania; Uganda; Zambia; Zimbabwe