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Fig. 3 | Fire Ecology

Fig. 3

From: Ecosystem type and species’ traits help explain bird responses to spatial patterns of fire

Fig. 3

The influence of time since fire and spatial measures of fire regimes on the relative abundance of bird species in A mallee woodlands (n = 22 species) and B foothill forests (n = 33 species). Points represent the response of single species to each predictor variable. Deviance attributed to a variable (%) represents the influence of each variable from a generalized additive models after accounting for temperature, elevation, vegetation class, and survey effort. Models included either a single attribute of the fire regime or both time since fire plus the best spatial context of fire variable. Notch plots indicate median (line), upper, and lower quartiles (shaded area) and 95% confidence intervals (notches) for each predictor variable. Point labels are abbreviations of species’ names: YPHE = yellow-plumed honeyeater, SSR = southern scrub-robin, WEHE = white-eared honeyeater, BHHE = brown-headed honeyeater, SGW = striated grasswren, RORO rose robin, SULB superb lyrebird, SILV = silvereye, SPPA = spotted pardalote, RBTC = red-browed treecreeper

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