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Table 1 Study design detailing the quadrat types and their distribution at the five study sites

From: Blanket bog vegetation response to wildfire and drainage suggests resilience to low severity, infrequent burning


Plots × points

Quadrat type

Forsinard (FD)

BigHouse (BH)

Melvich (ME)

Croft (CR8)

Shurrery (SH20)

Undrained Unburnt Bog

3 × 5 (15)

3 × 5 (15)


3 × 5 (15)

3 × 5 (15)

Undrained Burnt Bog

3 × 5 (15)

3 × 5 (15)


3 × 5 (15)

3 × 5 (15)

Drained Burnt Bog

3 × 5 (15)

3 × 5 (15)

6 × 3 (18)

3 × 5 (15)

3 × 5 (15)

Drained Unburnt Bog

3 × 5 (15)

3 × 5 (15)

3 × 3 (9)

3 × 5 (15)

3 × 5 (15)

Hollow Burnt

3 × 5 (15)

3 × 5 (15)


Hollow Unburnt

3 × 5 (15)

3 × 5 (15)


Hummock Burnt

3 × 5 (15)

3 × 5 (15)


Hummock Unburnt

3 × 5 (15)

3 × 5 (15)


Total quadrats






  1. For each quadrat type, the numbers are presented as Plots × Points within Plot (Total). Here, plots represent spatially independent replicates and points are randomly selected locations within each plot where quadrats are placed, in a ~ 125-m radius or along a 100-m transect (drain quadrat). All ME quadrats were classed as “Drained” (DR) given the lack of microtopography and the extent of peat cutting in this area. For further details, see Martin-Walker et al. 2022