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Table 3 Canopy cover and fire mortality proportion table.

From: Evaluating the Ecological Sustainability of a Ponderosa Pine Ecosystem on the Kaibab Plateau in Northern Arizona

Beginning canopy cover class

Fire severity class

Ending percentage by canopy cover classes

10 % to 30 % (open)


9 % → sparse (0 % to 10 %)

91 % → open (10 % to 30 %)

Mixed severity

55 % → sparse (0 % to 10 %)

45 % → open (10 % to 30 %)

Stand replacement

100 % → sparse (0 % to 10 %)

30 % to 60 % (closed)


16 % → open (10 % to 30 %)

84 % → closed (30 % to 60 %)

Mixed severity

2 % → sparse (0 % to 10 %)

79 % → open (10 % to 30 %)

19 % → closed (30 % to 60 %)

Stand replacement

87 % → sparse (0 % to 10 %)

13 % → open (10 % to 30 %)