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Table 1 Core principles for the development of federal fire management plans (FMP) based on current federal policy implementation guidance and relevant science information.

From: Principles of Effective USA Federal Fire Management Plans


Main tenets and examples

Consistent and compatible

• Maximize consistency in format and terminology across agencies

• Use consistent language and structure with land management plans

• Ensure compatibility among agencies to maximize interagency cooperation in the ecoregion

Synchronize FMP objectives across agency units

Unify public messaging and outreach


• Recognize valued collaborative efforts, including:

Coordination and cooperation between fire management and other disciplines

Partnerships among agencies

Fire science and management cooperatives

Regional fire coalitions and collaborations

• Develop an interagency FMP for the ecoregion or key firesheds

Clear and comprehensive

• Establish goals, objectives, tools that are clear and hierarchically integrated

• Strike a reasonable balance between conciseness and depth

Spatially and temporally scalable

• Distinguish short- vs. long-term goals and objectives

• Provide spatially explicit information for fire management zones and valued resources in FMP

• Apply strategies and tools at different spatial scales within an administrative unit and across agency boundaries

Informed by best available science

• Use appropriate and reliable science information to inform key plan elements

• Emphasize that science and monitoring are vital program tools

• Create formal mechanisms for the integration of new science information

Use FMP review schedule to incorporate new science

Integrate and clearly define science information sources

Flexible and adaptive

• Build FMP flexibility to meet future challenges and constraints

• Explain the process by which fire managers incorporate agency guidance and monitoring information in decision making and planning

• Reconsider goals, objectives, and tools over time to ensure effectiveness in a rapidly changing world

• Develop climate adaptation strategies in future operations based on decision-support tools