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Fig. 3 | Fire Ecology

Fig. 3

From: Modeling sub-boreal forest canopy bulk density in Minnesota, USA, using synthetic aperture radar and optical satellite sensor data

Fig. 3

Ground plot sampling design (2015 to 2016) to quantify coniferous forest fuel density for calibration with satellite sensor to enable mapping across the Superior National Forest, Minnesota, USA. Nine-point grid (black dots) at 5-m spacing are the canopy gap fraction (CGF) sample locations used to estimate coniferous fuel density. The central gray-shaded circle is a forest height-dependent fixed-radius plot (average area = 102 m2; standard deviation = 56.8 m2) for measurement of tree biophysical dimensions (species, bole diameter, crown spread, and height to first live branch). Field data are used to calculate both canopy bulk density (kg m−3) via the FuelCalc routine and to estimate understory (≤3 m above ground) coniferous biomass (kg m−2 of ground area)

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