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Fig. 5 | Fire Ecology

Fig. 5

From: The legacy of fire: long-term changes to the forest understory from periodic burns in a New England oak-hickory forest

Fig. 5

a Biplots of understory subplot scores for the first two axes of non-metric multidimensional scaling. Shape of points indicates year and fill indicates burn treatment. Significant environmental variables are overlaid as vectors or centroids. Ellipses represent the standard deviation for all plots in a given year x burn treatment group. b Biplot of 2019 understory genera scores for the first two axes of non-metric multidimensional scaling, with labels representing the location of each genus. Nomenclature according to USDA PLANTS database (USDA NCRS 2020). Shaded polygons indicate the space encompassing all subplots in a given burn treatment group, with color indicating burn treatment. Significant environmental variables are overlaid as vectors or centroids. Understory data were collected at the Yale-Myers Research and Demonstration Forest, Eastford, CT, USA

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