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Table 3 Summary of some advantages of DE and WDE over SMC filter

From: Federated recognition mechanism based on enhanced temporal-spatial learning using mobile edge sensors for firefighters


Temporal-spatial learning

Spatial-temporal learning


Analyzes time series data with spatial features

Analyzes data with spatial features that evolve over time, such as video


Typically involves deep learning models such as RNNs or CNNs

Typically involves deep learning models such as 3D CNNs


Focuses on capturing temporal relationships between spatial features

Focuses on capturing spatial and temporal relationships between different parts of the data


Used in applications such as human activity recognition or stock price prediction

Used in applications such as video analysis or action recognition


Examples of research papers in this field include “Temporal-spatial learning with convolutional neural networks for functional connectome-based prediction”

Examples of research papers in this field include “Spatio-temporal LSTM with trust gates for 3D human action recognition”