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RETRACTED ARTICLE: Federated recognition mechanism based on enhanced temporal-spatial learning using mobile edge sensors for firefighters

This article was retracted on 02 August 2024

A Correction to this article was published on 14 August 2023

This article has been updated



Interest in Human Action Recognition (HAR), which encompasses both household and industrial settings, is growing. HAR describes a computer system’s capacity to accurately recognize and evaluate human activities and behaviors, akin to what humans call perception. Real-time federated activity identification architecture is suggested in this work to monitor smartphone user behavior. The main aim is to decrease accidents happening in an indoor environment and assure the security of older individuals in an indoor setting. The idea lends itself to a multitude of uses, including monitoring the elderly, entertainment, and spying.


In this paper, we present a new smartphone sensor-based human motion awareness federated recognition scheme using a temporal-spatial weighted BILSTM-CNN framework. We verify new federated recognition based on temporal-spatial data better than existing machine learning schemes in terms of activity recognition accuracy. Several methods and strategies in the literature have been used to attain higher HAR accuracy. In particular, six categories of typical everyday human activities are highlighted, including walking, jumping, standing, moving from one level to another, and picking up items.


Smartphone-based sensors are utilized to detect the motion activities carried out by elderly people based on the raw inertial measurement unit (IMU) data. Then, weighted bidirectional long short-term memory (BILSTM) networks are for learning about temporal motion features; they are swiftly followed by single-dimensional convolutional neural networks (CNN), which are built for reasoning about spatial structure features. Additionally, the awareness mechanism highlights the data segments to choose discriminative contextual data. Finally, a sizeable dataset of HDL activity datasets is gathered for model validation and training. The results confirm that the proposed ML framework performs 18.7% better in terms of accuracy, 27.9% for the case of precision, and 0.24.1% when evaluating based on the F1-score for client 1.

Similarly, for client 2 and client 3, the performance betterment in terms of accuracy is 18.4% and 10.1%, respectively.



El interés en el reconocimiento de acciones humanas (Human Action Recognition en idioma inglés, HAR), que concentra escenarios tanto domésticos como industriales, está creciendo en el mundo. Este HAR describe la capacidad de un sistema computacional para reconocer exactamente y evaluar acciones y comportamientos humanos, similares a los que los humanos reconocemos como percepción. La identificación de la arquitectura federada en tiempo real es sugerida en este trabajo para monitorear el comportamiento de los usuarios de teléfonos inteligentes. El objetivo principal es que decrezcan accidentes en ambientes cerrados y asegurar la seguridad de los adultos mayores en ambientes o escenarios cerrados. La idea se presta asimismo para una multitud de usos, incluyendo el monitoreo de adultos, entretenimiento, y espionaje.


En este trabajo, presentamos un nuevo sensor de teléfono inteligente basado en un esquema de reconocimiento federado de conciencia humana, usando un encuadre espacio-temporal sopesado BILSTM-CNN. Verificamos que los nuevos reconocimientos federados basados en datos espacio-temporales funcionan mejor que los esquemas basados en el aprendizaje automático (machine learning) en términos de la exactitud en el reconocimiento de la actividad. Muchos métodos y estrategias en la literatura han sido usados para lograr una mayor exactitud en HAR. En particular, seis categorías de actividades humanas típicas son resaltadas, incluyendo el caminar, saltar, estar parados moverse de un nivel a otro, y tomar algunos objetos.


Los teléfonos basados en sensores inteligentes son utilizados para detectar actividades de movimiento de gente adulta fundados en datos crudos de medidas inerciales (IMU). Entonces, el sopesado de la memoria a corto plazo (BILSTM) en redes de manera bidireccional, sirven para aprender sobre las características de los movimientos temporales; ellos están seguidos rápidamente por una red neural de dimensión simple convolucional (CNN) construida para razonar sobre sobre características de las estructuras espaciales. Adicionalmente, los mecanismos de la conciencia resaltan los segmentos de datos para discriminar datos contextuales. Finalmente, un considerable conjunto de datos de la actividad HDL es tomado para la validación y entrenamiento del modelo. Los resultados confirman que el marco del ML mejora en un 18% más en términos de exactitud, un 27, 9% en el caso de la precisión, y 0,241 % cuando se evalúa basados en el score F1 para el cliente 1. Similarmente, para los clientes 2, y 3, el mejoramiento de la actividad en términos de exactitud es de 18,4 % y de 10,1 %, respectivamente.


Human motion detection (HMD) has garnered significant interest in the fields of machine learning, pattern recognition, and computer vision. The monitoring of firefighters, elderly or patients, automated security systems, health care systems, smart home systems, and human-computer interaction are only a few examples of the practical applications that HMD lends itself to (Kellokumpu et al. 2011; Xu et al. 2013; Jamil et al. 2021; Turaga et al. 2008). There are two basic types of HMD, including sensor- and video-based HMD. HMD is a widely researched subject with several difficulties, some of which are the difficulty of identifying actions in noisy pictures, the complexity of background noise as well as losses, and shadows left by activity in progress.

On the other hand, human activity recognition (HAR) is utilized in fields like gesture recognition, gait analysis, and other behavior analysis to generate high-level insights about HMD from raw sensor input data (e.g., sound sensors, gyroscopes, or accelerometers). Sensor-based HAR is becoming more and more common as a result of the widespread use of intelligent sensor technology and the accessibility of reliable cryptosystems for protecting data privacy. Additional benefits of mobile sensors over conventional static sensors are their low cost, near-zero energy use, high capability, and increased environmental independence.

Human activity detection using smartphone-based sensors (SBS) has traditionally been acknowledged as a multivariate time series classification challenge (Jamil et al. 2022). A critical step in solving the issue is feature extraction, which can be accomplished by integrating cross-formal coding, such as signals with the Fourier and wavelet transforms, or by using specific statistical properties of the raw signal, such as correlation coefficients, mean, variance, and entropy. Conventional machine learning techniques like support vector machines, decision trees, and naive Bayes have been successful in detecting different sorts of activities (Tang et al. 2020). On the contrary, hand-crafted feature extraction frequently supports such approaches and necessitates experience or domain knowledge. By creating a machine learning ML model with numerous layers, automatic feature extraction is feasible in a deep-learning environment (Qin et al. 2020). These methods perform less well for incremental and unsupervised tasks since they can only learn superficial features. Given these difficulties, traditional pattern recognition techniques frequently lack strong model generalization or classification accuracy (Shakya et al. 2018).

The majority of human daily life activities (HDA) prediction research approaches nowadays are data-driven and fall into one of three categories: statistical methods, fundamental machine learning methods, or deep learning methods. Statistical methods such as ARIMA (Su et al. 2013), Bayesian network (Jamil and Kim 2019), Gaussian process (Huang and Leng 2010), Kalman filter (Jamil et al. 2021), and hidden Markov model (Wang et al. 1507) model the time series HMD data to classify the various HAD data. Nevertheless, the assumption of time series stationarity severely restricts these techniques. Furthermore, they are difficult to expand to complicated and huge HAR data sets and can only forecast one or a limited number of SBS data at a time. More importantly, these techniques cannot understand the complicated spatial-temporal properties of nonlinear correlation in HAR data. Although basic machine learning techniques such as artificial neural networks (ANN) (Wang et al. 2015), support vector machines (SVM) (Iqbal et al. 2021), and the k-nearest neighbor algorithm (KNN) (Khan et al. 2023) are capable of modeling relatively complex data and achieving high prediction accuracy, they are inadequate in modeling the intricate nonlinear spatial-temporal correlation characteristics that exist in HAR data.

Most early studies used a single model to forecast the SBS data sequence. CNN demonstrates its benefits in collecting HMD spatial correlation characteristics and the complexities of the model for identifying spatial correlation features from HAR data (Pu et al. 2207). The key components of sensor-based action recognition are learned via deep learning. Convolutional neural networks are used in this method to learn the characteristics of SBS data for HMD. The layers of CNN take the incoming SBS data and learn and extract spatial information from it. RNN and its derivative LSTM/GRU exhibit benefits in collecting nonlinear time-dependent characteristics in traffic and HAR data by using the gating mechanism to extract highly nonlinear time-dependent features from HAR data (Wang et al. 2018). It is frequently used to characterize the periodic modeling work of HAR data because RNN has the issue of forgetting long-term information. In contrast, long-span time feature capture can correlate data at any two moments (Ahmad et al. 2019). LSTMs have been utilized successfully for various sequence problems, including automated voice recognition and machine translation, human daily life activity recognition, text recognition, and for energy prediction purposes (Jamil et al. 2021). Previous studies have demonstrated that LSTM models efficiently address long-term dependencies because they integrate “extra gates” into their designs, enabling them to recall sensitive details from inputs that have previously passed through (Abduljabbar et al. 2021).

The modeling of spatial or temporal correlation features can no longer satisfy the criteria as the standards for the accuracy of HAR prediction have increased. The practice of mixing various deep learning models to simultaneously capture the spatial-temporal correlation properties of HAR data has progressively gained popularity as a way to increase the accuracy of HAR prediction. Importance of BILSTM The output layer of BILSTM models, which concurrently receive input from events in the past (backward in time) and future (ahead), offers extra training possibilities while also improving prediction accuracy (Iqbal et al. 2021). Similarly, in (Challa et al. 2022), activities were recognized using the bidirectional long-term memory BILSTM. Through the use of a CNN using temporal-spatial data, they discovered these traits. In this study, we utilize SBS data from a user-friendly Android application to evaluate the performance of BILSTM over a range of periods.

  • To summarize, the key contributions of this study can be outlined as follows. This study presents a comprehensive system for recognizing human activities performed by firefighters fighting forest fires. The proposed system employs a weighted BILSTM-CNN framework to effectively capture the temporal-spatial dynamics and dependencies of the firefighters’ motions from the IMU sensor data collected using smartphones. The system can recognize six types of hazardous activities commonly performed by firefighters during firefighting in the forest, including walking, jumping, standing, moving from one level to another, and picking up items, in a real-time setting.

  • A dataset containing a vast amount of human motion and daily life activities is collected using smartphone-based sensor data. Several essential data processing methods are employed to make the dataset more practical for real-world applications, such as the temporal exponential mean filter, transfer learning, and sparse-categorical-cross-entropy loss function. Furthermore, to ensure the dataset is balanced between different classes, the problem of data imbalance is addressed.

  • Moreover, a federated recognition mechanism is developed to identify activities performed during hazardous situations like forest firefighting. The proposed scheme improves data privacy, increases scalability, and better accuracy, reduces the computational cost, and enhances data diversity.

The subsequent sections of this paper are outlined below. In the “Related work” section, prior research related to the topic is discussed. The proposed federated recognition model is described in detail in the “Methodology” section. The experiment setup, model evaluations, and analysis of classification results are presented in the “Experiments and results” section. Lastly, conclusions and suggestions for future research are presented in the “Conclusions” section.

Related work

Human activity recognition (HAR) is an emerging field that uses sensors, machine learning algorithms, and other techniques to recognize and classify human activities in various contexts. In the context of firefighting in forests, HAR can be particularly useful for improving situational awareness, ensuring safety, and optimizing firefighting strategies (Tufek et al. 2019). The authors in (Geng et al. 2015; Weidinger 2022) propose a wearable sensor-based framework for HAR in firefighting scenarios. The authors present a system that uses IMU sensors to recognize activities such as walking, running, standing, climbing, and using a chainsaw. In another article (Kwon et al. 2017; Wawrzyniak and Niemiro 2015), the study proposes a single wearable sensor to recognize firefighting activities such as walking, climbing, and dragging a hose. The authors use a machine learning algorithm called a support vector machine to classify the activities based on sensor data. The fields of computer vision, machine learning, and pattern recognition have all become quite interested in human action recognition (HAR). Similarly, in (Soeiro et al. 2021), the author uses sensors and machine learning algorithms to recognize firefighters’ activities in a forest fire scenario. The authors in the review paper (Weidinger 2022) provides a comprehensive overview of HAR-based systems for firefighter safety. The authors discuss different sensor types, machine learning algorithms, and application areas, including forest firefighting. Likewise, in (Deng et al. 2021), an activity recognition system for firefighters is based on a hybrid feature extraction method. The authors use a combination of time-domain, frequency-domain, and statistical features to classify activities such as walking, running, standing, and crawling. The authors in (Fan and Gao 2021) provided an overview of HAR in industrial settings. Although the focus is not on forest firefighting, the authors discuss practical challenges and possible solutions relevant to HAR in any context, including sensor selection, data preprocessing, and machine learning algorithm selection.

HAR is a widely researched subject with several difficulties, some identifying actions in noisy pictures, the complexity of background noise and losses, and shadows left by activity in progress. HAR attempts to identify human-based behaviors in a video stream or a series of photos. The literature thoroughly accounts for HAR research projects based on global body dynamics and body structure (Bobick and Davis 2001). Human gait is one of the many intriguing techniques used to monitor people (Lee et al. 2011). Identifying basic motions like running and walking is the focus of other methods that employ global body structure and dynamics (Mandal and Eng 2012).

The traditional machine learning techniques have offered a variety of activity assessments and feature extraction methods in earlier studies (Rezaei and Klette 2014). For instance, a support vector machine (SVM) model by (Braunagel et al. 2015) offered five contextual indicators, including saccades, fixations, blinks, head position, and rotation, to identify driver activity. By employing a logistic regression model and an SVM model, researchers in (Liang et al. 2007) could recognize drivers’ cognitive distractions in real-time by analyzing the driver’s eye movement and vehicle dynamic data. Deep learning techniques have gained immense popularity in recent years due to their remarkable feature extraction capabilities. To enhance the performance of the human activity categorization, for instance, (Okon and Meng 2017) built a pre-trained convolutional neural network (CNN) model with a new triplet loss. To investigate driver motion hints for driver activity detection, (Tran et al. 2018) used a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) to take photographs of the driver’s skin area and then put those images into an R-CNN model.

Furthermore, Table 1 presents a critical comprehensive summary of the existing HAR approaches regarding the main objective, types of the machine learning model used, and the application in which HAR is performed. Critical factors are considered to analyze the existing human motion detection-based approaches to highlight the research gap. Here are some critical factors typically considered when analyzing existing approaches: sensor types, feature extraction methods, machine learning algorithms, dataset size and diversity, evaluation metrics, and real-world applicability. Some existing studies (Fan et al. 2018; Chen and Wang 2018) ensure the interpretability of the models for easy interpretation and understanding of the results. However, these approaches can only deal with relatively small datasets, a lack of comparison with other models, and a lack of feature analysis to determine which features (i.e., words or phrases) are most important for sentiment classification and text clustering on news articles. Moreover, there is lack of detailed analysis in terms of the model’s accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score. The existing studies extract hidden patterns and insights to develop a most informative feature space using the order of CNN-LSTM. The spatial features are extracted first, followed by the temporal features. This approach is commonly used in video analysis. It involves analyzing the spatial features, such as shapes and textures of objects in each video frame, and then analyzing the temporal changes in these features over time (Abdel-Salam et al. 2020; Wu et al. 2019). Spatial-temporal feature extraction techniques are designed for analyzing data with both spatial and temporal dimensions, such as video data. When applied to time series data, adding a spatial dimension may overcomplicate the analysis and make it more difficult to interpret the results. Spatial-temporal feature extraction techniques are designed for analyzing data with distinct spatial and temporal patterns. Time series data may not have these distinct patterns. On the other hand, in temporal-spatial feature extraction, the temporal features are extracted first, followed by the spatial features. This approach is commonly used in time series analysis. It involves analyzing the temporal patterns in a data sequence, such as the mean, standard deviation, and frequency domain features like Fourier transforms. This step involves identifying the patterns in the time series data over time, such as changes in acceleration or orientation, and then analyzing the spatial patterns across different locations or variables from accelerometer data combined with features from gyroscope data to identify the motion patterns during an activity (Senthilkumar et al. 2022; Yang et al. 2019). Most of the existing HAR approaches based on deep learning systems used the uniform CNN-deep-learning technique, which raises the issues of overcomplication and lack of interpretability. In this way, their application to time series data may not always be appropriate or effective. Therefore, it is imperative to develop a robust and reliable HAR model to cope with all these limitations to provide reliable and adaptable data annotation results.

Table 1 The comparison and summary of the proposed studies in the related work


Proposed federated recognition mechanism

This section briefly introduces the proposed federated recognition-based human activity recognition FR-HAR method. More precisely, the development of 1D-CNN, its implementation, and the context-aware-enhanced weighted BILSTM network are described while considering a federated recognition environment. Starting with the block diagram illustrated in Fig. 1, our goal is to create an end-to-end temporal-spatial deep-learning model. This model will be a three-stream deep-learning architecture consisting of CNN, BILSTM, and a federated recognition server. The proposed model is designed to enable deep-learning approaches to capture temporal and spatial information and enhance the classification accuracy at the edge.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Main temporal-spatial activity recognition architecture algorithm

The first step of the proposed FR-HAR approach is accessing smartphone-based accelerometer sensor data using the user-friendly developed Android application. The 3-axis accelerometer data is acquired every 3 ms. The data is being constantly monitored by one of our team members, and there is a pause of a few seconds after every activity. The raw smartphone-based sensor data is passed to the data preprocessing module, where several techniques are applied like data imputation, data normalization, etc, to enhance the data quality. The processed data is given as input to the weighted BILSTM model to extract the temporal features and passed these features to the 1D-CNN as an input to extract the spatial features. The final step in FR-HAR is the merging of the characteristics gathered from the two streams, and finally weighted BILSTM is used as a classifier for the recognition of human daily life activities. This whole process is carried out on one mobile edge node.

Overview OF proposed weighted BILSTM-CNN federated recognition scheme

To achieve the best HDL activity estimation for the smartphone user in an indoor environment, the entire design is shown in Fig. 2, together with the temporal and spatial characteristic streams. To accomplish feature capture at different timestamps, we consider weighted BILSTM, which is a variant of the standard BILSTM model capable of capturing long-term dependencies in sequential data, which is critical for tasks such as HDL activity recognition or speech recognition, where the meaning of a particular instance data or spoken phrase may depend on previous instances or sounds spoken far in the past. To achieve higher accuracy and direct the focus of the model’s attention on the most informative parts of the input HDL activity data, the mechanism of weighted attention permits the model to allocate varying weights to distinct segments of the input HDL activity sequence data. Furthermore, a single-dimension CNN spatial stream is utilized, with several convolution layers and changing kernel size to extract local features.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Detailed flow of federated activity recognition using a temporal-spatial learning algorithm

The BILSTM classifier used at the mobile edge node is trained using temporal-spatial features data, and trained model parameters are sent to the federated server. The basic structure and evaluation metrics of the BILSTM, weighted attention mechanism, and 1D-CNN used in deep learning models are outlined below. The three primary components of this novel scheme are extracting HDL activity data from SBS, the temporal-spatial feature extraction method, and HDL activity classification using a federated recognition mechanism. HDL activity data preprocessing, also known as tokenization (Lee et al. 2011; Mandal and Eng 2012) and noise removal, is the process of transforming raw, unstructured SBS activity data input into the appropriate format. Where context semantics are obtained via weighted BILSTM, the sparse vector form of activity data may be produced. Then, 1D-CNN retrieves the original HDL activity spatial embedding’s characteristics.

3-axis accelerometer data for each human daily life activity token will be inputted into the initial weighted BILSTM layer of our BILSTM-CNN-based deep learning model. To put it differently, the weighted BILSTM layer generates a novel  time domain representation of the input HDL activity data. The concept is that the tokens produced as output will contain details about the original token and any preceding tokens. Next, the output of the weighted BILSTM layer is fed into the 1D convolution layer, which is expected to extract more significant spatial features. The temporal-assisted spatial features will be generated by combining the output of the convolution layer into a smaller dimension.

Extraction of contextual and local features using weighted BILSTM-CNN

In this paper, Fig. 2 depicts the suggested weighted BILSTM-CNN algorithm’s model flow. The weighted BILSTM model is a deep learning model for analyzing sequential data. The weighted BILSTM model is a modification of the classic LSTM model that allows for bidirectional analysis of input data, enhancing its performance. The proposed model utilizes the output of both the forward and backward hidden states at each time step, creating a weighted sum. This enhances the feature extraction process and increases the accuracy of the classification task. The weighted BILSTM model comprises three main components: the input layer, the BILSTM layer, and the output layer, which together form the model architecture. In this section, we will discuss each of these components in detail.

The input layer accepts the SBS HDL activity data and passes it through to the BILSTM layer. Multiclass time series input data is in a sequence of vectors for the HDL activity recognition case, where each vector represents a time step in the sequence. Each vector contains features that are used to predict the output class.

The BILSTM layer is designed to handle input sequences in both forward and backward directions. At each time step, the output of the BILSTM layer is a concatenated vector comprising the forward and backward hidden states. The output of the BILSTM layer is passed through a weighted attention mechanism to assign more importance to certain hidden states based on their relevance to the task at hand. At time step t, the forward hidden state is represented as \({h}_{f(t)}\), and the backward hidden state is represented as \({h}_{b(t)}\) in the weighted BILSTM model. The concatenated vector at each time step, denoted as h(t), is computed in the following manner:

$$h t) = \left[{h}_{f(t)}; {h}_{b(t)}\right]$$

where [; ] denotes vector concatenation.

The concatenated output h(t) is subjected to the attention mechanism, which functions as follows:

$$u \left(t\right)=tanh\left[{W}_{h}*h\left(t\right)+{b}_{h}\right]$$

The intermediate vector u(t) is used to compute the attention vector e(t) by applying the softmax function as follows:

$$e (t) = softmax\left[{w}_{u}*u\left(t\right)+{b}_{u}\right]$$
$$c(t) {=} \Sigma \left[e\left(t\right)*h\left(t\right)\right]$$

The intermediate vector u(t) is used to compute the attention vector e(t), with Wh and bh representing the weight matrix and bias vector for the hidden state h(t), respectively. The attention mechanism’s weight matrix and bias vector are denoted as wu and bu, respectively. The resulting attention vector e(t) is then used to calculate the context vector c(t) from the output of the BILSTM layer at each time step. The intermediate vector u(t) is normalized and assigned weights to each hidden state based on its relevance to the task by applying the softmax function to compute the attention vector e(t). The context vector c(t) is calculated as a weighted sum of the hidden states. The attention vector e(t) determines the weights assigned to each hidden state. The summary of the hidden states at time step t is represented by the context vector c(t), which assigns higher weights to the more relevant hidden states through the attention mechanism.

The output of the attention mechanism passed to the 1D-CNN to learn the essential spatial features from enhanced temporal features data efficiently. 1D CNNs can identify patterns in the time series data regardless of location. This is because the convolution operation slides a filter over the entire time series, capturing patterns at all time steps. The layerwise explanation of the 1D-CNN is discussed below.

Zero padding layer

The zero padding layer adds zeros to the beginning and end of the input sequence to ensure that the convolutional layer can process the entire sequence. The output of this layer is the padded sequence. Let x be the input sequence of length L and p be the amount of padding applied to each end of the sequence. Then, the output of the zero padding layer is:

$${x}_{(padded)}= \left[0, ..., 0, {x}_{1}, ..., {x}_{L}, 0, ..., 0\right] with 2p + L elements$$

The purpose of the batch normalization layer is to standardize the input data so that the mean and variance of the input features remain uniform across all the samples in a batch. Assuming x is a sequence of input data with a length of L and μ and σ are the mean and standard deviation of the input features across the entire batch, the batch normalization layer transforms the input data to ensure the mean and variance of the input features are consistent across all samples in the batch. The output of the batch normalization layer can be expressed as:

$${x}_{(norm)} =\frac{\text({x}-\mu)}{\sqrt{\sigma{^2}+\varepsilon}}$$

To ensure numerical stability, the equation is modified with a small constant epsilon.

The 1D convolutional layer utilizes a set of learned filters to process the input data, enabling it to extract local features from the input sequence. Let W be the set of filters, each length K, and b be the bias term. Then, the output of the convolutional layer is:

$$z = W * {x}_{norm}+ b$$

where represents the convolution operation, and the output z is a sequence of length \(L - K + 1\).

The output of the convolutional layer is processed by the ReLU activation layer, which applies the rectified linear unit (ReLU) activation function. The ReLU function sets all negative values in the output to zero, which introduces non-linearity into the model and helps to prevent overfitting. The output of the ReLU layer is as follows:

$$a = max(0, z)$$

The output of the second batch normalization layer is obtained by normalizing the output of the ReLU activation layer in the same manner as the input data. The resulting output is given by the following:

$${\alpha}_{(norm)} =\frac{\text({\alpha}-\mu)}{\sqrt{\sigma{^2}+\varepsilon}}$$

During training, the dropout layer randomly drops out a fraction of the output units from the previous layer. Let pdropout be the probability of dropping out each unit. Then, the output of the dropout layer is:

$${a}_{(dropout)}= {a}_{(norm)}*d$$

where d is a dropout mask, which is a binary matrix of the same shape as anorm with values of 1 with probability 1 − pdropout and 0 with probability pdropout.

The purpose of the average pooling layer is to decrease the dimensionality of the previous layer’s output by computing the average value of each feature map. If the size of the pooling window is denoted as k, then the output of the average pooling layer can be expressed as follows:

$$y =\left[mean\left({a}_{dropout[i:i+k]}\right)foriinrange(0, L - K + 1, k)\right]$$

where mean is the mean function, and the output y is a sequence of length (LK + 1)/k. Overall,1D-CNN architecture allows the model to extract informative features from the enhanced temporal features data and increase the HDL activity classification accuracy. The training of the BILSTM model employs the Adam optimizer, a variation of the stochastic gradient descent algorithm. For multiclass classification, the categorical cross-entropy loss function is utilized as the loss function. Using backpropagation, the loss function is optimized by minimizing the difference between the predicted output and the true output.

The output layer is responsible for producing the final output of the model. The output layer includes a fully connected layer with a softmax activation function for recognizing the activity in HDL’s multiclass time series data. The output obtained from the softmax layer denotes the probability of each class concerning the given input sequence.

The model for contextual and local feature extraction, i.e., the weighted BILSTM-CNN model, is a highly capable and adaptable machine learning model for sequential data processing tasks such as HDL activity recognition, which offers significant advantages over other models in terms of accuracy and flexibility.

Experiment and results

The experimental setting for the proposed smartphone-based federated recognition scheme for firefighter activities in hazardous situations is summarized in Table 2.

Table 2 Experimental setting of the proposed smartphone-based federated recognition scheme for firefighter activities in hazardous situations

The smartphone in this framework is used to sense real-time firefighter activity recognition information, including walking, jumping, standing, moving from one level to another, and picking up items. Our team created an android application that gives smartphone users real-time trajectory information, step counts, orientation information, altitude information, and daily life performed activities (Jamil et al. 2021; Jamil et al. 2023). Real-time high-frequency smartphone-based sensor data is used for the recognition of firefighter’s motion activities; to calibrate and validate the firefighter’s activity-classification model, as well as investigate the peculiarities of the firefighter’s activity-classification prediction process, loss and accuracy comparison is performed for few iterations. The data used in this study was collected at Jeju National University (JNU), located in Jeju-Si, South Korea. The dataset includes raw data related to human activity recognition (HAR) and altitude estimation for floor detection. It encompasses various motion activities such as walking, jumping, standing, moving from one level to another, and picking up items. All the data was gathered within the university premises. We collected smartphone-based 3-dimensional accelerometer data for all the scenarios at 3 ms. To ensure data quality, one of our team members supervised the dataset. We divided the data into segments of 13 s each, during which the accelerometer provided approximately 4200 samples. The higher frequency of sample acquisition from the accelerometer was chosen to recognize human motion activities better. Comprehensive explanations of the dataset are provided in (Jamil et al. 2023).

The proposed ML framework for the firefighter’s motion recognition model was implemented using Python and Java as the primary language for model training and classification using the human firefighter’s activity dataset. Services offered using PyCharm and Python-based programming are implemented using the TensorFlow framework and the Flask web server application platform. The following core Python libraries are utilized: Keras 2.6, TensorFlow 2.6, Flask 2.2.2, Numpy 1.19.5, Request 2.28, Seaborn, and MatplotLib. Additionally, MS Excel is utilized to store both the raw and final human daily life activity data. Moreover, the specifications 11th Gen Intel(R) hexa-Deca-Core (TM) i9-11900 @ 2.50 GHz, 64-bit OS, and 63.8 GB usable random access memory are used to perform experiments (Tuan et al. 2023).

To thoroughly assess the effectiveness of the suggested weighted-Bi-LSTM-CNN ML model, three performance evaluation metrics were used to evaluate model precision, model F1-score, and model prediction accuracy.

Figure 3 shows that during the first 18 epochs, the accuracy function change for the proposed weighted-Bi-LSTM-CNN ML framework and the other comparing frameworks is nearly identical. The performance of the proposed ML framework for client 1 demonstrates that it outperforms the other benchmark models while using the same amount of computing resources, even though the ML framework RNN-LSTM performs better than Bi-LSTM-CNN, LSTM-CNN, and CNN-LSTM when considering the function model prediction accuracy. Similarly, Fig. 4 demonstrates the loss of all ML models, and the loss of the proposed ML framework is the minimum.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Comparison of model prediction accuracy of different ML frameworks at client 1

Fig. 4
figure 4

Comparison of model loss of different ML frameworks at client 1

Figure 5 shows that during the first 43 epochs, the model prediction accuracy function changed for the proposed weighted BILSTM-CNN and LSTM-CNN. Furthermore, among the other three models, BILSTM-CNN performs the best, and RNN-LSTM and CNN-LSTM perform subsequently. Likewise, the model prediction accuracy, the loss of the proposed ML model, is the minimum, as shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Comparison of model prediction accuracy of different ML frameworks at client 2

Fig. 6
figure 6

Comparison of model loss of different ML frameworks at client 2

Figure 7 shows that during the 10 epochs, the model prediction accuracy function changed for the proposed weighted Bi-LSTM-CNN, and for 20 epochs, the model prediction accuracy function changed for the Bi-LSTM-CNN. Furthermore, among the other three models, LSTM-CNN performs the best, and RNN-LSTM and CNN-LSTM perform subsequently. Likewise, the model prediction accuracy, the loss of the proposed ML model, is the minimum, as shown in Fig. 8.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Comparison of model prediction accuracy of different ML frameworks at client 3

Fig. 8
figure 8

Comparison of model loss of different ML frameworks at client 3

Table 2 shows the development environment of the Android applications for indoor navigation. This project has been implemented on Windows 10. Windows 10 is used as an operating system. Intel(R) Core (TM) i5-5800 CPU is used for the installation of Windows and integrated development toolkit with the support of 32 GB memory. We have used Motion Sensors API, which is supported on the Android platform. Most Android-powered devices have an accelerometer, and many now include a gyroscope. Furthermore, different external libraries are used, such as Geodesy for coordinates conversion, chart engine for charts visualization, and Midascon SDK for BLE device scanning. Moreover, Java and Python are core languages to develop an Android application for indoor navigation. Android Studio and PyCharm are used as IDEs.

Figure 9 depicts the comparative analysis of F1-score, precision, and accuracy for classification models for the case of firefighter’s motion recognition for client 1.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Illustration of performance evaluation in terms of F1-score, precision and accuracy for client 1

Similarly, Fig. 10 tells us about the comparative analysis of F1-score, precision, and accuracy for classification models for the case of firefighter’s motion recognition for client 2.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Illustration of performance evaluation in terms of F1-score, precision and accuracy for client 2

Lastly, for the case of client 3, the F1-score, accuracy, and precision analysis in terms of the bar graph is exhibited in Fig. 11.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Illustration of performance evaluation in terms of F1-score, precision and accuracy for client 3

Discussion, comparison, and limitations

This section aims to compare the proposed enhanced W-BILSTM-CNN contextual and local feature extraction mode with conventional models to demonstrate the efficacy and significance of the proposed study. Furthermore, there is comparative discussion on temporal-spatial learning and spatial-temporal learning.

Table 3 briefly explains the difference between temporal-spatial and spatial-temporal learning.

Table 3 Summary of some advantages of DE and WDE over SMC filter

Temporal-spatial learning focuses on time series data with spatial features, such as physiological signals or sensor data that contain spatial information (Ibrahim et al. 2016). Temporal-spatial learning typically involves deep learning models such as RNNs or CNNs designed to handle sequential data. Temporal-spatial learning focuses on capturing the temporal relationships between spatial features. For example, in human activity recognition, the temporal sequence of sensor data can reveal patterns of movement that correspond to specific activities (Fan et al. 2018). Temporal-spatial learning has been used in applications such as human activity recognition or stock price prediction, where the temporal relationships between spatial features can reveal patterns or trends over time (Song et al. 2019).

On the other hand, spatial-temporal learning focuses on data that evolves, such as video or motion data (Hu et al. 2009). On the other hand, spatial-temporal learning often uses 3D CNNs that can capture spatial and temporal features simultaneously. Spatial-temporal learning, on the other hand, focuses on capturing both spatial and temporal relationships between different parts of the data (Yuan et al. 2021). For example, in video analysis, the movements of different objects in the video may be relevant to identifying a particular action. Spatial-temporal learning has been used in applications such as video analysis or action recognition, where spatial and temporal relationships between different parts of the data are essential for accurate analysis (He et al. 2019).

Overall, while temporal-spatial learning and spatial-temporal learning are related concepts, they differ in their focus on either temporal relationships between spatial features or both spatial and temporal relationships between different parts of the data.

Additionally, Table 4 shows the description, advantages, and disadvantages of the several machine learning algorithms in the context of HDL activity recognition.

Table 4 The description, advantages, and disadvantages of various ML algorithms in the context of HDL activity recognition

Moreover, the performance of each algorithm can vary depending on factors such as the specific dataset being used, the preprocessing techniques applied, the hyperparameters chosen, and the evaluation metrics used.

Studies have shown that combining a BILSTM and a CNN generally performs well for time series human activity recognition data. For example, a study (He and Wang 2021) found that a BILSTM-CNN model outperformed other models, such as CNN-BILSTM and CNN-LSTM, for human activity recognition on the WISDM dataset. Another study (Zhang et al. 2019) compared the performance of different hybrid models on the same dataset and found that the weighted BILSTM-CNN model achieved the highest accuracy.

The few limitations of the proposed W-BILSTM-CNN approach are it requires a large amount of labeled data to train effectively. Collecting and labeling large datasets can be time-consuming and expensive, limiting its practicality for some applications. Furthermore, Deep learning models like the W-BILSTM-CNN often lack interpretability, making it difficult to understand how the model makes its decisions. This can be a concern in applications where transparency and accountability are essential. Additionally, while the W-BILSTM-CNN model may perform well on the specific task it was trained on, sometimes it may not generalize well to new, unseen scenarios. Overall, the W-BILSTM-CNN model has shown promising results for firefighter activity recognition.


Overall, real-time firefighters’ activity recognition system is proposed in this study. The smartphone sensor-based human activity data in hazardous situations is extracted to represent human body motion. To reduce communication and computational costs and improve model generalization, real-time learning, and adaptability, federated recognition is proposed for the firefighter’s motion recognition. Moreover, the proposed scheme provides privacy preservation of sensitive data by keeping it decentralized and increasing the availability and scalability of data resources. The proposed scheme consists of the ML technique, which extracts temporal-spatial features. The proposed W-BILSTM-CNN model applies to the time-series data of the firefighter’s motion recognition data and involves analyzing the temporal patterns in a sequence of data and then analyzing the spatial patterns in the data across different locations. The results confirm that the proposed ML framework performs 18.7% better in terms of accuracy, 27.9% for the case of precision, and 0.24.1% when evaluating based on the F1-score for client 1. Similarly, for client 2 and client 3, the performance betterment in terms of accuracy is 18.4% and 10.1%, respectively. Three clients were considered in the test scenario. The experiments and classification model results show the proposed scheme’s efficacy. Furthermore, the proposed design choice makes our model relatively more accurate in the training and inference phases.

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This work was supported in part by the Energy Cloud Research and Development Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), under grant 2019M3F2A1073387, and in part by the Institute for Information and Communications Technology Promotion (IITP) through the Cooperative Intelligence Framework of Scene Perception for Autonomous IoT Device under Grant 2022-0-00980 (corresponding author: Do Hyeun Kim).


Energy Cloud Research and Development Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), under grant 2019M3F2A1073387

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Harun Jamil l received his B.Sc. degree in electronic engineering from the Capital University of Science and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan, and the M.S.E.E. degree in electrical engineering from Air University, Islamabad, in 2019. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. degree with the Department of Electronic Engineering, Jeju National University, Jeju-Si, South Korea. His research interests include indoor localization, data fusion techniques, nanogrids, energy optimization, and prediction.

Murad-Ali Khan received the B.S. degree in computer science from COMSATS University Islamabad, Attock Campus, Punjab, Pakistan, in 2020. He is currently pursuing the integrated Ph.D. degree with the Department of Computer Engineering, Jeju National University, Republic of Korea. He has professional experience in the software development industry. His research interests include ML and data mining related applications.

Do Hyeun Kim received the B.S. degree in electronics engineering and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in information telecommunication from Kyungpook National University, Daegu, South Korea, in 1988, 1990, and 2000, respectively. He was with the Agency for Defense Development (ADD), Daejeon, South Korea, from 1990 to 1995. Since 2004, he has been with Jeju National University, Jeju-Si, South Korea, where he is currently a Professor with the Department of Computer Engineering. From 2008 to 2009, he was a visiting researcher with the Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, QLD, Australia. His research interests include sensor networks, machine-to-machine (M2M)/Internet of Things (IoT), energy optimization and prediction, intelligent service, and mobile computing.

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Correspondence to Harun Jamil.

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Jamil, H., Ali, K.M. & Kim, DH. RETRACTED ARTICLE: Federated recognition mechanism based on enhanced temporal-spatial learning using mobile edge sensors for firefighters. fire ecol 19, 44 (2023).

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